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Please visit the registration link to finish the registration and send an e-mail to the secretary at icmhi@cbees.org  when you finish the registration.

Tip: * Before you do the registration, please comfirm with your conference secretary your registration type if you are not sure about it.

** One regular registration can cover a paper within 14 pages (Word Template), including all figures, tables, and references.

*** One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only one proceeding book.

**** For the authors who have difficulties paying US Dollars, such as Iran, please pay Euros.

*****  If you would like to register the conference and publish your paper as the reviewer, please send email to icmhi@cbees.org. (Only Ph.D holder can apply)


Registration Options

Registration Fee

Early Bird

Before Feb. 10


After Feb. 10

Full Paper

Student 510 USD 530 USD
Normal 540 USD 560 USD



400 USD

400 USD

No Submission


350 USD

350 USD

Click to Register

Other Items

Additional Paper (s)**

380 USD / each paper

380 USD / each paper

Additional Page

30 USD / each page

 30 USD / each page

One Day Tour

100 USD

100 USD


Important Note to Authors Submitting Full Paper about ACM Open Access Publishing Model

ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Authors based at institutions that are not yet part of the ACM Open program will be required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish their ICPS article in the ACM Digital Library, unless one of their co-authors' institutions is a member or they qualify for a waiver. To determine whether or not an APC will be applicable to your article, please follow the detailed guidance here: https://www.acm.org/publications/icps/author-guidance .

The institution of corresponding author Whether author need to Pay The applicable Article Processing Charge (APC) to ACM publishing house
The institution is a member of the ACM Open program (click here to check) or  corresponding author is based in a low-income country No, it is free
The country in which your institution is located is on this list of countries covered by ACM’s agreements with EIFL and Research4Life and/or classified by the World Bank as low-income countries. No, it is free
The institution in a lower-middle-income country and corresponding author  or at least one of your co-authors is an ACM member 125 USD per paper(subsidy on APC pricing in 2025)
The institution is in a lower-middle-income country  but all the authors are not  ACM member 175 USD per paper (subsidy on APC pricing in 2025)
The institution is not lower-middle-income country  but corresponding author or at least one of your co-authors is  ACM member 250 USD per paper(subsidy on APC pricing in 2025)
The institution is not  in a lower-middle-income country  and all the authors are not  ACM member 350 USD  per paper(subsidy on APC pricing in 2025)


Registration includes:

Participation in the Technical Program

Coffee Breaks, Lunch and Dinner Banquet (May 17)


Conference Bag and/or Conference Accessories

Participation Certificate


Cancellation and Refund Policy

1. Due to force majeure, the organizer has the right to change the conference time and venue. We will not bear any loss such as airplane ticket, accommodation caused by it.

2. Please follow the refund policy below If the participants cancel presence due to personal reasons:

* 90 days ahead of the conference: 70% of payment refund
* 60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund
* 30 days ahead of the conference: 30% of payment refund
* Within 30 days ahead of the conference: no refund

Cancellation and refund request must be made formally via email

Submission Method

Electronic Submission System ( .pdf)

Full paper Template:  (Word Template)

Abstract Template: (download here)


Contact Information

Conference Secretary: Ms. Jassica Yao

E-mail: icmhi@cbees.org

Contact number: +86-18917644698